Hair Loss in Women

Lifeless hair, thinning hair strands and hair loss is a major problem that one in three women suffer from throughout their lives. A significant part of women’s hair loss problems is genetic type hair loss.

There is a family history in 20% of those with female pattern hair loss. We can list the factors that cause hair loss in women other than genetic causes as follows:

Hormone Imbalances
An important cause of hair thinning and loss in women is hormone imbalances and hormone treatments. Birth control pills are often observed to cause hair loss.

Postpartum Period
Stating that most of the hair in pregnant women is in a state of growth, experts state that after childbirth, the hair goes into the resting phase of the hair growth cycle, sheds excessively within 2-3 months, this process can last for 1-6 months and mostly grows again and reaches its former amounts.

High Fever and Severe Infections
Stating that diseases can cause the hair to enter the resting phase, experts report that an intense hair loss may develop 4 weeks to 3 months after a high fever and a severe illness, but that the hair will recover over time.

Thyroid Disease
Hair loss is also seen during the treatment of hormone disorders related to over or under functioning of the thyroid gland, which is referred to as hyper and hypothyroidism in medicine.

Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency anemia can be caused by heavy menstruation or not consuming enough iron-rich foods and can lead to hair loss.

Imbalanced Nutrition and Stress
In unconscious diets and one-way diets, hair cannot get enough vitamins, minerals and protein, which is the building block of keratin in its structure, which is necessary in its life cycle. As a result, hair weakening and hair loss problems occur. Apart from this, every factor that is a source of stress for the body will also show its negative effect on the hair.

Some disease treatments
Stating that some cancer treatments can stop the division of hair cells, experts report that patients may lose 90% of their hair, but after the therapy ends, the hair will grow again and return to its former state. For this reason, it is recommended that those undergoing cancer treatment should not be stressed about hair loss and wait for the necessary time to pass.

Major surgical interventions and chronic diseases
Patients who undergo major surgery may experience excessive hair loss within 1-3 months. This condition may disappear within a few months. However, in people with severe chronic diseases, hair loss can be a lifelong process.

Hair plucking disease (Trichotillomania)
Children, and sometimes adults, can pull their hair, eyebrows or eyelashes until they pull them out and make it a habit. Experts recommend seeking psychological help in such cases.

Alopecia areata (hair breakage)
In this type of hair loss, there are round patch-like areas with a smooth surface, the size of a coin or larger. Rarely, all hair and body hair may be lost. Although the cause of this type of hair loss, which can be seen at any age, is unknown, in many patients the hair grows back spontaneously afterwards.

Mistakes in hair care
According to experts, methods such as dyeing, bleaching, straightening or perming can damage the hair if not performed under appropriate conditions. Frequent or simultaneous application of these methods can also weaken the hair and cause it to break. Hairstyles such as ponytails, braids, tight elastic bands that pull the hair should not be applied frequently because the constant pulling force acting on the hair roots causes hair loss. Frequent washing, combing and brushing can break hair.

Using conditioner after shampooing makes it easier to comb the hair. Since it is more fragile when wet, it is necessary to avoid trying to dry the hair by rubbing it with a towel.

Experts report that wide-mouthed and flat-tipped combs should be preferred instead of brushes. The most important factor in hair loss is genetic, i.e. familial inheritance, but other factors can also play a role in hair loss. We can list the main factors among the causes of hair loss as follows:

Male pattern hair loss in women
Most women with hair loss have normal blood androgen levels. If androgen levels are elevated in the blood, androgen-producing tumors should be investigated. In women, androgen-producing organs are the ovaries and adrenal glands. Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern hair loss) is common in conditions with other symptoms of hyperandrogenemia such as polycystic ovary syndrome.

Androgenetic alopecia in women starts at an older age than in men. In women, diffuse (covering the entire scalp) hair loss usually occurs. Hair becomes thinner or sparse over the entire scalp. Miniaturization of terminal hairs occurs at a lower level than in men. Therefore, complete hair loss is rare. Less miniaturization may be explained by lower 5 alpha reductase enzyme activity in women. However, after menopause or in cases where androgens are significantly increased in the blood, the opening on the forehead and crown may become prominent, as in men. In women, the front hairline is usually preserved. Androgenic alopecia is not considered a disease in men. However, it is an important problem as it causes great psychological stress in women and can be an indicator of internal diseases. The psychological impact of male pattern hair loss, which affects 30 million women in the USA, is 75% higher in women than in men. While men find male pattern hair loss acceptable, it is more difficult for women to accept this condition.

Many factors are taken into consideration for the treatment of hair loss in women.
For the diagnosis of hair loss in women, hair color, hair frequency, hair diameter and hair loss type are examined and the cause of hair loss is determined after the creation of a hormone table with systematic blood tests.

The treatments recommended to prevent hair loss in women can be summarized as medication, vitamins and other triggers applied locally to the scalp; oral nutritional supplement tablets or, if hair loss reaches advanced levels, a hair transplant to be carried out in coordination with other treatments.

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